From the Traditional
Chinese Medicine and more specifically the Five Elements Theory, autumn is
associated to the Metal Element which relates to the Lungs and Large Intestine
functions. In autumn a congested Liver can injure the Metal Element as a whole,
obstructing the Lungs and the Large Intestine’s ability to function smoothly
and discharge toxins. This is why the Autumn Cleansing tends to focus on the
Lungs, Large Intestine as well as the Liver.
How does our modern and urban lifestyle inhibit
our Lungs, Large Intestine and Liver to function efficiently?
- Insufficient physical activity encourages poor respiration and imbalanced bowel movement.
- Poor eating habit aggravates our Lungs and Large Intestine by causing mucus to be dumped in the Lungs and potentially creating an opportunity for colds, allergies, sinus problems, bronchitis, and asthma to occur.
- Too much fat,
chemicals, and denatured food disrupt the natural biochemical process of our
Liver, hence distressing the smooth and soothing flow of Qi (body energy);
resulting in physical problems such as abdominal distension, inflamed tendons,
menstrual problems or chronic indigestion – and emotional problems such as anger,
frustration, resentment or poor judgement.
What is a gentle Autumn Cleansing?
Inspired by the
principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and based on my own experience, I
would suggest the following 2-week cleansing process with a gradual change of
life style.
Week #1:
- Introduce or sustain gentle physical exercise like a 30-minute walk twice a day accompanied by a mindful focus on your breath.
- Drink sufficient room temperature filtered water (average 1L to 1½L per day).
- Remove inflammatory foods such as sugar, refined and fatty foods, processed or junk foods and carbonated drinks and alcohol.
- Reduce consumption of dairy products: for instance remove cheese, replace cow milk by almond or oat milk.
- Introduce or sustain
the consumption of the following food groups:
Mucilaginous food for supporting the renewal of the mucous membrane of our Lungs and Large Intestine – such as seaweed, flaxseed.
Dark green and
golden orange vegetables for strengthening
the peripheral immune activity of Qi (body energy) – such as carrot, pumpkin,
broccoli, parsley, kale.
Fibre for encouraging a healthful bacterial growth
in the Large Intestine, which support the assimilation of nutrients – such as oat,
Week #2:
Continue week #1 and
add a 7-day Lemon and Olive Oil Drink every day in an empty stomach; ideally
just before going to bed or first thing in the morning when you wake up.
- ½ a lemon juice with pulp but without seed
- 2 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Following weeks:
Be gentle with yourself,
carry on the good eating habits you introduced, keep exercising gently every
day and make sure you introduce or sustain good sleeping habits.What benefits this gentle autumn cleansing process can bring?
Based on my personal experience, I observed the following benefits:
- Improved bowel movements
- More physical energy and calmer mind
- Reduced joint pain and improved muscle elasticity
- Reduced abdomen distention
- Reduced breast tenderness before periods
- Reduced symptoms of eczema
- Reduced
risk of getting a cold
Hope this post was of your interest. As usual, I look forward to reading your comments and interacting with you on further thoughts.
If you want to understand how Zen Shiatsu Therapy can help support the natural functions of your body during Autumn, please call 074 4438 2847, email info@zenshiatsutherapy.com or visit www.zenshiatsutherapy.com. I am also available on twitter @ShiatsuWLondon.